![]() E-commerce has not only many advantages, but also entails the risk of counterfeit goods being sold. The state and business are making joint efforts to protect the interests of right holders and consumers. We will tell you about the measures taken in terms of sufficiency and effectiveness. Image by juicy_fish on Freepik20.10.2023
![]() In 2021 the Plenum of the Russian Supreme Court recommended that courts investigate in more detail objective economic reasons for the conduct of market players, assess whether profit can be generated and establish a causal link between an agreement and unlawful consequences. This has changed approaches to proving cartels. Already today practice contains an example of a court of the highest...
![]() The regulator is paying special attention to the fight against cartels. The courts are also making no less a contribution. The decisions of the Russian Constitutional Court are particularly significant. The Court recently adopted two rulings clarifying the issues of cartel immunities and the interpretation of the concept of ‘income’. Let us study the main conclusions. Image: wirestock by Freepik02.06.2023
![]() Draft law No. 337373-8 was submitted to the State Duma on 14 April 2023. It has been stipulated that measures of administrative liability will be introduced for companies if they do not comply with certain requirements relating to keeping records of Internet advertising. Image: Racool_studio by Freepik04.05.2023
![]() In September 2022, amendments came into force to the Law on Advertising that have fundamentally changed the format of control over advertising on the Internet and have introduced a recording system for it. Since then, the torrent of questions from market players regarding the application of the updated legislation has only been increasing. Image: rawpixel.com by Freepik10.04.2023
![]() On 15 February 2023 the State Duma considered in the first reading a Draft Law which amends article 15 of Federal Law No. 57-FZ dated 29 April 2008 “On the procedure for foreign investments in business entities of strategic importance for ensuring national defence and state security”. Image: jcomp by Freepik22.03.2023
![]() The State Duma adopted in the first reading two draft laws that the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service developed to toughen liability for the entry into, and being a party to, a cartel. How will the anti-cartel article in the Russian Criminal Code and the programme of release from liability change, and what fines will be imposed for impeding antitrust inspections? Image: rawpixel.com by Freepik13.02.2023
![]() The State Duma has approved in the first reading two draft laws as part of the “anti-cartel package”
On 15 December 2022 the State Duma approved in the first reading the draft laws aimed at toughening criminal and administrative liability for participating in anti-competitive agreements. Image: aopsan by Freepik30.12.2022
![]() A new national standard will come into effect starting from 2023 and is aimed at creating unified rules and procedures when companies implement tools for preventing antimonopoly risks. What does the standard offer, and what questions arise owing to it being adopted? Image: Freepik12.12.2022
![]() On 10 November, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a draft law that discloses for the first time the concept of a "network effect" and also contains provisions aimed at combating the abuse of a dominant position on digital markets, improving the procedure for monitoring economic concentration, as well as a number of other new developments. Image: DilokaStudio by Freepik21.11.2022
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дел об антиконкурентных соглашениях и координации экономической деятельности ФАС России возбудила в 2024 г.