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On 15 December 2022 the State Duma approved in the first reading the draft laws aimed at toughening criminal and administrative liability for participating in anti-competitive agreements.

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A new national standard will come into effect starting from 2023 and is aimed at creating unified rules and procedures when companies implement tools for preventing antimonopoly risks. What does the standard offer, and what questions arise owing to it being adopted?

Image: Freepik

On 10 November, the State Duma adopted in the first reading a draft law that discloses for the first time the concept of a "network effect" and also contains provisions aimed at combating the abuse of a dominant position on digital markets, improving the procedure for monitoring economic concentration, as well as a number of other new developments.

Image: DilokaStudio by Freepik

The role of digital companies and platforms in the modern market economy has greatly increased. They began to occupy dominant positions, influence the real sector, which in turn increases the risks for competition. In order to reduce them, the fifth set of antitrust amendments has been developed. We will consider the most significant new developments.

Image: Freepik

In order to identify violations in pricing and to counter the actions of bad-faith business entities in a more efficient and timely manner, amendments to antimonopoly legislation have been devised. Let us consider the proposed tool for pricing control.

Image: Freepik

Starting from 25 July 2022, federal laws dated 14 July 2022 No. 272-FZ and No. 273-FZ came into force, which amend the public procurement rules, including in the sphere of pharmaceuticals and medical items if special state security measures are introduced.

Image: jcomp by Freepik

Individual provisions of the Federal Law on Advertising will come into force (Federal Law No. 347-FZ “On amending the Federal Law ‘On advertising’” dated 2 July 2021) which are aimed at improving relationships in relation to advertising published on the Internet.

Image: pressfoto by Freepik

Against the background of sanctions and the current economic situation, the sphere of pricing requires maximum attention. The primary task of the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service is to prevent artificially inflated prices. We will review how and with what tools the state authority identifies and clamps down on these violations.

Image: jcomp by Freepik

It has been more than a year since the Plenum of the Russian Supreme Court adopted Resolution No. 2 “On certain issues resulting from the courts applying antimonopoly legislation” dated 4 March 2021.  It is time to assess how the approaches to proving cartel agreements have changed and what provisions of the above document are the most cited by the courts.

Image: Freepik

When the antimonopoly authority examines a case at the pre-trial stage, it is difficult to achieve the balance of the parties’ interests. The above specifically concerns defendants who may have difficulties with obtaining access to information in the case. Only adjusting law enforcement approaches will help a range of issues in this sphere to be settled.

Image: rawpixel.com by Freepik

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