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The antimonopoly service (the “FAS”) has launched a counter-offensive, in terms of both law and methodology, against anticompetitive agreements which are increasingly permeating the state’s strategic and vital spheres, causing enormous damage to the country’s economy.

Image: jcomp by Freepik

The conclusions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia relating to the Google case have prompted members of parliament to come forward with an initiative to introduce state regulation of the market of pre-installed applications. However, such an artificial restriction of competition may adversely affect the quality of products and entail an increase in their prices for consumers.

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The FAS of Russia has put before the State Duma a draft law on antitrust compliance. It contains amendments to Federal Law “On the protection of competition”, and the draft itself has the nature of a framework. Once they are finally adopted the new rules will most likely require specification at the level of subordinate legislation adopted by the regulator.

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Thirteen years ago the institution of collective dominance was introduced in Russia. Today, collective dominance is applied more widely in Russia than in the EU. Ironically, in the U.S.A., the homeland of antitrust regulation, there is no such tool at all. An examination of Russian practice casts doubt on the model of how this institution is applied.

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The global nature of business processes and the potential threat of anti-competitive practices of foreign entities on EAEU markets is driving the need to expand the EEC’s powers. It appears advisable to confer the right on the Commission to investigate antitrust cases involving companies registered outside the Union.

Image: Freepik

Cases are being encountered ever more frequently when anticompetitive agreements during bidding processes are entered into and implemented using auction robots. The regulator in turn is learning to identify digital traces of anticompetitive conduct, to document them and to prove robotic collusions. Examples of the successful fight against this are already available.

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Public consultation of the draft law “On amending the Federal Law “On protection of competition” and the Russian Code of Administrative Offences” has ended on 27 July 2016. The Draft Law prescribes the concept and the basic elements of an antimonopoly compliance system. We advise of the key developments for the market if this Draft Law is adopted.

Image: rawpixel.com by Freepik

Pepeliaev Group advises that 19 April 2016 will see the adoption, under the auspices of the Association of European Business’s Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals Committee, of a Code for Good-faith Practices in the Pharmaceutical Sector.

Image: jcomp by Freepik

On 8 December 2015 at the office of mobile operator MTS, a presentation was held dedicated to the system of antimonopoly compliance. This system was devised specially for MTS by Pepeliaev Group’s lawyers and their colleagues from the company, in conjunction with audit firm Ernst & Young.

Image: Freepik

In this exclusive interview to Elena Sokolovskaya, the lead expert of Competition and Law magazine, Dr. Theodor Thanner, General Director of the Austrian Federal Competition Authority, speaks about the main principles of competition regulation in Europe, how different countries cooperate to solve competition control problems and, in particular, about the international working...


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