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To avoid potential abuse on the part of foreign investors, Federal Law No. 57-FZ dated 29 April 2008 “On the procedure for making foreign investments in business entities of strategic importance for ensuring national defence and state security” has been amended (“Law No. 57-FZ”).

Image: pressfoto by Freepik

The Russian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection has published Guidelines for the identification of a personal interest in procurement. The Guidelines have been designed to organise corporate activities aimed at identifying a personal interest of employees when procurement is being performed, which may lead to a conflict of interests.

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In the conditions of the crisis, the state authorities are developing protectionist measures to amend statutory regulation in the area of state and municipal procurement and of procurement by specific types of legal entities, with a view to targeting the customers’ activity in carrying out the procurement of mostly domestic products on a permanent basis.

Image: Freepik

The bad-faith conduct of actors in socially important spheres such as pharmaceuticals and healthcare has become an especially sensitive matter against the backdrop of the severe situation with the coronavirus epidemic. The Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service is closely watching such violations caused by a soaring need for specific categories of goods and services.

Image: Freepik

The coronavirus pandemic is not only a biological hazard for the entire population, but also entails adverse consequences, such as a drop in economic activity, a decrease in the production level and breakdowns in long-term supply chains. The business sector’s attempts to make up for the losses in the conditions of the crisis may result in antitrust legislation being breached.

Image: rawpixel.com by Freepik

By virtue of the threat of the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the need has originated for the amendment of the work regime of the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service (the “FAS of Russia”) relating to the consideration of cases and conduct of audits.


With the coronavirus infection spreading up, prices are growing for certain categories of goods including food products, medical masks and disinfectants. In order to limit the unjustified growth of prices for goods of social importance, state authorities are taking additional measures, mostly connected with price monitoring.

Image: ededchechine by Freepik

In the difficult epidemiological situation caused by the spread of the new coronavirus infection, state authorities are taking actions to amend Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated 5 April 2013 “On the contract system in the area of the purchases of goods, work and services to provide for the state and municipal needs”.

Image: jcomp by Freepik

By incorporating a non-competition clause into an agreement, the parties to it usually seek to prevent any of them from enjoying an advantage. However, this tool may be used unfairly, for example, with a view to forming a cartel. In the Russian Federation, the legislative regulation of non-competition clauses still lacks clarity.

Image: pressfoto by Freepik

Pepeliaev Group advises of the changes in the area of antimonopoly compliance.

Image: rawpixel.com by Freepik

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