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Главная /  Conference /  Registration for the VI Saint-Petersburg...
Registration for the VI Saint-Petersburg International Legal Forum continues

 On 18-21 May of 2016 Saint-Petersburg will become the legal capital of the world. The Forum annually brings together heads of the leading legal firms, chief legal officers from major companies, judges, representatives of state regulators, international organizations and legal schools from over 80 countries.

The VI Saint-Petersburg International Legal Forum offers its delegates an opportunity to identify models for solving most complicated legal issues and share best practices for establishment of a favorable business environment and development of responsible entrepreneurship. The Forum program includes a plenary session, presentations, conferences and roundtable discussions organized in the following eight areas: 

 · Private Law

 · Corporate Practice / International Trade / Competition Protection

 · Litigation and Arbitration Practice

 · Smart Society

 · Investments / Finance

 · International Law / Rule of Law

 · Cultural Heritage / Public Interest / Environment Protection

 · Legal Profession 

The Forum is organized on behalf of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation under the support of the President of the Russian Federation.   

Traditionally the Forum will be held in the Eastern Wing of the General Staff Building of the Hermitage Museum. 

For registration fill in the application on the official website reg.spblegalforum.com 


Press Centre

CC “St.Petersburg International Legal Forum”

50 E, Fontanka Embankment

St. Petersburg, Russia

Phone: +7 812 4493621




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