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The V St. Petersburg International Legal Forum will take place on 27-30 May, 2015
In 2015 St. Petersburg International Legal Forum will take place on 27-30 May. The agenda of the anniversary Forum comprises urgent matters concerning interests of legal community and businesses, as well as crucial social issues. The topics of the V St. Petersburg International Legal Forum continue the discussions of the previous year while also considering the particularities of the current situation. 

The Programme Committee received a few hundreds of proposals from legal practitioners, academics and representatives of state authorities. The most topical issues were taken as a basis for the programme of the Forum 2015. 

The business programme 2015 includes over 50 discussion sessions within 7 thematic tracks: 
International Law/ Rule of Law Private Law Corporate Practice / International Trade / Protection of Competition Litigation and Arbitration Practice Smart Society Cultural Heritage / Public Interests / Environment / Standards of Legal Profession Investments / Finance The Forum annually brings together ministers of justice, chairmen of Supreme courts, general secretaries of international organizations, in-houses of leading companies. 

From 2011 to 2014 the number of participants has increased threefold: from 757 to 3280. The geography of the Forum has also expanded: in 2014 representatives of 79 countries from the USA, Europe, BRICS, CIS, Latin America, Africa and Middle East took part in the Forum. 

The Forum is organized on behalf of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation under the support of the President of the Russian Federation. The V St. Petersburg International Legal Forum will take place in the Eastern Wing of the General Staff Building of the State Hermitage Museum.

Registration is open on the website www.spblegalforum.com 

Press Centre CC “St.Petersburg International Legal Forum” 50 E, Fontanka Embankment St. Petersburg, Russia Phone: +7 812 4493621 pr@spblegalforum.com www.spblegalforum.com


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